
Call to Artists-Art Panels-August 2024

Ivanhoe Village District – Art Panel(s) Project
Call to Artists – Request for Proposals
The Ivanhoe Village District, located in Orlando, Florida invites artists, and artist teams to submit proposals for its Art Panel Enhancement Project, which is intended to provide new artwork for public display within the Ivanhoe Village District utilizing aluminum canvases currently attached to selected building exteriors located throughout the village.
The artists(s) will transform the provided aluminum panel into an art form thus increasing public awareness of art,
broadening viewers’ perspectives of public spaces within the City, and fostering creativity, inspiration, and civic pride
throughout the community.
Ivanhoe Village is a historic area with a diverse mix of vibrant businesses surrounded by parks, lakes, and the city’s cultural corridor. Ripe with new energy and an independent spirit, Ivanhoe Village thrives with shopping, dining & living. Ivanhoe Village values Public art and continually searches for avenues to bring art to the community in many forms. Public art is a distinguishing part of our unique history and evolving culture. We believe that Public art can help citizens form connections with one another and with the place they live. It can engage a diverse group in thoughtful and inspiring experiences and bring people together to support a communal activity. It can contribute to making life more significant. It can instill a sense of belonging, expand understanding, and bridge differences. This project has emerged from these concepts.
The Ivanhoe Village District Design Committee seeks to provide attractive, interesting, inventive, and entertaining artwork in unexpected places to provide passersby with a casual, yet enriching, visual experience as they go about their daily business. Completed, the “art panels”, as a type of innovative mini mural, should engage and welcome different audiences and add joy to the everyday happenings around the City.
1. The “art panels” are placed on or near street corners where there are visible to both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The art should be “readable” both when viewed passing in a car at 35 mph and walking by at a leisurely pace.
2. The panels will have a black reader panel placed in front of the panels that will be attached to the panel upon completion and should not be painted (see exhibit).
3. The dimensions of the art panels are approximately 4’x8’ (vertical) however may vary at each location. Be prepared to adjust artwork to fit unique art panels.
4. The specific locations for these panels are to be determined and will be provided to artist at later date. Artists are permitted to include their signature on the art panel (no larger than 3” x 5”. Artwork must not contain religious references or symbols, political campaigns, copyrighted or trademarked material, or corporate or organizational branding.
5. Artwork must be the original design of the entrant, never-before created, and suitable for viewing by all ages. Templates may be used only if created specifically for this project by the selected artist(s).
6. Artwork may be representational or abstract and must be appropriate for public space
7. Publicity• The Art Panels will be publicized in various media outlets, Facebook, and websites
1. This RFP is open to all professional artists and/or artist teams over the age of 18 working or living in the Central Florida Region.
2. All entries must be the original design and artwork of the entrant(s).

3. To be considered, each entry must be sent with a completed official entry form upon submission, and release of liability form once awarded.
4. Entries and all forms must be submitted together as a single package.
5. Painting must occur during an agreed upon four (4) week period (TBD). If an unforeseeable emergency or inclement weather arises, the artist may request a one-week extension by notifying the Ivanhoe Village Design Committee.
6. Artists may enlist assistants; all assistants must be named on the application.
7. Artists may submit no more than three (3) designs for consideration.
Artists and/or artist teams submitting qualifications should demonstrate a level of experience and professionalism that will commensurate with the project scope. Artwork will be selected on the basis of creativity, artistic merit, technical proficiency and relationship to the site.
1. Artwork will be installed in a public place and must be suitable for viewing by all ages.
2. Painting is the only acceptable media for design submittal. High quality, low-sheen or semi-gloss external acrylic latex paint must be used. Safety and durability are primary concerns and are paramount in the selection of the artwork. Entries not adhering to these guidelines will not be considered. Artists are responsible for the cost of all materials required to complete the project, except for initial panel preparation and final anti-graffiti coating. The District will provide a clean art panel, including prepping the panel with a base coat and will apply the final anti-graffiti coating to protect the artwork.
1. Accepted artists will receive an honorarium of $500. (This is inclusive of all artist fees, supplies, and time spent.) Fifty percent (50%) will be paid at the start of the project and fifty percent (50%) upon the timely completion of the artwork.
2. Installation will begin only after design approval, and completion of all required liability and contract forms. Required notifications should be considered and coordinated with the proper authorities in advance of any work.
3. Final artwork should meet the approximate likeness to what was proposed. Deviation from what was originally approved by the selection committee shall require notification and approval from the design committee prior.
4. If any damage is caused to the exterior of the building as the direct result of the artist’s installation or maintenance of the display, the artist will be responsible for the costs necessary to restore the building to its original condition.
5. The artwork must have a minimum expected life of 5-years. Touch-ups will be completed by the artist(s) at the District’s request. Should the art fall into a state of disrepair and the artist will not or cannot bring the work back to quality standards, the artwork may be repaired or removed by the District.
6. The City and artist each have the right to use photos of the finished artwork in any manner that helps promote the project, the artist, and the District.
7. Artwork for this project is considered a long-term installation and becomes the property of the City/District. Ivanhoe Village District, along with the City of Orlando reserves the right to alter or remove the artwork if the District/City, deems it appropriate after consultation with the artist, and the artist is unavailable or unwilling to perform the modifications.
8. Be aware that the art panels artwork may be subject to vandalism for which the City and artists will coordinate restoration, which may include reapplication of protective coatings, replacement or reapplication of parts, and paint or patina touch-ups.
9. The District/City reserves the right to modify or withdraw this RFP at any time.
1. A selection panel will review applicationsreceived in response to this RFP. The panel will be comprised of artists, arts professionals, representatives of the City, businesses, residents, and education communities.
2. The selection panel will select designs that meet the above criteria to the Public Art Committee for recommendation and submittal to Ivanhoe Village Design Committee for approval. Once designs are approved, contracts will be drafted and mutually agreed upon scheduled work may begin. Selection will be based on:
a. Artistic achievement and quality as demonstrated in the artist’s résumé and images of previous projects (30%).
b. Appropriateness of the artistic approach, project design and narrative, and clear alignment with the goals of the project. This includes artist’s overall skills, experience, and ability to work in similar media, scale, and budget (40%).
c. Level of creativity and imagination (30%).
d. Compatibility with the City’s existing public art collection to provide a balanced inventory and ensure a variety of style, design, and media throughout the community.
e. Appropriateness of the artwork to the location with regard for the nature of the space and a broad audience with a variety of tastes.
f. Detailed inclusion of the artist(s) name, artwork title, and photo of the artwork may be featured on IVMS social media, City of Orlando website and other promotional materials.
g. IVMS Design Committee will determine which of the selected artworks best fits the character of specific locations.
All application materials must be emailed to: by the RFP deadline of 12:00 p.m., September 03, 2024 with the subject line: IVD Art Panel Submission. Incomplete and late applications may be deemed ineligible and not be considered.
The complete Artists’ submissions must include:
• A completed application form (EXHIBIT A)
• Assumption of Risk Agreement Waiver (EXHIBIT B)
• A short bio or resume (max 3 pages)
• Work sample – past artwork: Title, Year, Materials, Dimensions, Location (if applicable), Project Budget (if applicable). Brief Description for each artwork. If applicable, include your Instagram and/or Facebook name. These items can be grouped as a single word or pdf document.
• Proposed Artwork Description(s)
• Proposed Artwork Design(s) on TEMPLATE (EXHIBIT C)
• RFP open to Artists: August 01, 2024
• RFP Deadline: September 03, 2024 (12:00 p.m. EST)
• RFP Review by selection panel: September 16, 2024
• Selected art announcement: September 23, 2024
• Artist Painting of Panel: October 2024 – January 2025
• Completion of panel(s): January 2025
Application materials must be received on or before September 03, 2024 at 12:00 p.m., EST. Any application materials received after the date and time specified above will be rejected and considered nonresponsive and returned to the Artist unopened.
Please direct questions regarding this Request for Proposal (RFP) to:
Allex Englett, Executive Director,
Ivanhoe Village District
p: 321.888.1717;

For additional information about Public Art in Orlando, visit online at: City of Orlando (

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C