
Ivanhoe Village Banner Redesign

Ivanhoe Village Banner Redesign – Call for Submissions

 Ivanhoe Village Banners- Call To Artist 2025

Ivanhoe Village, a Main Street District just north of Downtown Orlando, is redesigning its light pole street banners and invites artists of all ages to submit their design concepts!
Submitted design concepts will be reviewed by a judging panel, which will select a winning
entry based on the following criteria:
• Quality and effectiveness of the design concept; and
• Degree to which the design concept reflects the preferred thematic elements.
The artist of the winning design concept will be awarded a $200 stipend, and their artwork
will serve as inspiration for the street banners that will be displayed throughout the
In developing their design concepts, artists should consider the following preferred
thematic elements:
1. Representation of local culture, history and heritage.
2. Representation of natural landmarks within the area.
3. Use of bold, contrasting colors; and
4. Avoid designs which are too busy or are ultra-detailed; designs should be able to be
conveyed at a distance.
5. Representation of Ivanhoe Village’s branding and colors is encouraged but not
required. (See Exhibit B for information of our current Branding).
All submissions must include the following:
1. Exhibit C: Artist Release Form; and
2. Design concept which can be submitted in hard copy by using the Exhibit D:
Street Banner Design Template; or digitally with the drawing to be completed at
a scale of 60” high by 24” wide.
Submissions may be emailed to with ‘Street Banners’ noted in
the subject line, until 4:30 pm on Friday March 01, 2025. Winning designs may be modified
by a graphic designer to ensure that the design is banner-ready.
Contest Opens January 18, 2025.
Submission Deadline: March 1, 2025
Artist Selection and Notification: March 29, 2025