
Hurricane Idalia and Disaster Preparedness

August 29, 2023
At the time of this message, the most recent track of Hurricane Idalia keeps the storm’s most significant impacts away from Ivanhoe Village, we remain under a tropical storm warning. As we watch out for information and ways in which to prepare for Hurricane Idalia, I wanted to share a few resources that can help you stay on top of the most recent updates and support from our City and County partners. Orange County Public Schools and also Lake Highland Preparatory School have announced class cancellations for tomorrow, August 30th. Stay tuned to the following links for the most up to date information.
City of Orlando – Hurricane Idalia Updates 
Orange County – Hurricane Idalia Updates 
Duke Energy
Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday – Florida Department of Revenue
NOAA Hurricane Center
Please reach out to me if you have any questions or needs. I am here to assist in any way I can, including connecting you with the appropriate resource. Prioritize staying safe and keeping the communities across Florida in our thoughts.
Allex Englett